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Club Charter in 2021
Greensboro, North Carolina - A new Rotary Club was formed and is growing by leaps and bounds.
Rotary is built upon individual clubs that range in size from as few as 20 to as many as several hundred. Each member, representing a defined occupational classification, is actually a member of his or her home club. The classification principle is intended to assure that each club represents a cross section of the business and professional community. Membership in a club begins with an invitation extended from a sponsoring club member and subsequent approval of the prospective member by the entire club membership. The process normally takes 4 to 6 weeks. The Downtown Rotary Club was chartered in September 2021.
The Downtown Rotary Club is one of eight (8) clubs chartered in Greensboro, NC by Rotary International (RI). The Downtown Rotary Club has developed a strong tradition of community service, fun and fellowship. Downtown Rotary Club’s regular weekly meetings are held on each Wednesday. The club meets from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. every other week and from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on the other Wednesdays of the month.
Each Downtown Rotary meeting typically includes time for fellowship over breakfast or refreshments in at the evening meetings followed by a 20 - 30-minute presentation from a variety of speakers. Examples of programs could include the Greensboro Fire and Police Chief, business and civic leaders in our area, academic leaders from the colleges and universities in the area, healthcare experts, etc. The weekly meeting provides an ideal opportunity for each member to stay closer to the pulse of activity and developments within our community. The weekly meeting is also a time to begin and strengthen relationships with fellow members.